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bravecto 3 months for dogs

The Complete Guide To Bravecto For 3 Months Dogs

How Safe Is Bravecto Animal?

Even though Bravecto has been used every day for many years, there have been no side effects that have been clinically important. People ate, slept, worked out, and went about their daily lives just as they had before. We didn’t notice any changes in pain, allergens, or the bravecto 3 months for dogs size of our organs. So, we think it’s safe.

 Bravecto Spot-On Or Bravecto Chews?

With Bravecto Chews, you can get rid of lice. Pets like cats and dogs need these tasty medicines to get rid of bugs. The FDA says it’s fine. It contains a drug called fluralaner that stops ticks like the Black-legged tick, the American Dog tick, and the Brown Dog tick from spreading for 12 weeks. Also, lone star ticks don’t come back after 8 weeks.

The dog will be safe for a whole year with these chews. The only rule is that the dog needs to be at least 6 months old and weigh at least 4.4 pounds. The main thing that determines how much Bravecto to give a dog is how much it weighs. At least 25mg/kg (11.4 mg/lb) of THC are in one chew. Read on to find out how much Bravecto to give your dog.

How Well Does The Bravecto Work?

In a field test, all of the fleas were dead two hours after Bravecto was delivered. If you give it to someone, ticks won’t be able to live on them for 12 weeks. You only need 12 hours. Bravecto has been shown and tested to always protect.

How Do You Use Bravecto?

Every time you give your dog Bravecto, you have to give it with food, and how much you give depends on how much your dog weighs. You can start the treatment at the start of the year and keep him safe until the end of the year without stopping.

If your dog is more than 56 kg, you should give him a variety of things to keep him safe.

What Do Studies Say Are The Benefits Of Bravecto?

European labs looked at how well Bravecto worked against bugs that spread diseases both in the field and in the lab. In an EU field study that included 561 dogs with flea and tick problems, the benefits of Bravecto pills were compared to those of fipronil, which kills fleas and ticks when applied as a spot treatment to the dogs’ skin.  

After three months, there were fewer fleas and ticks on the dogs. This was the most important sign that the medicine had helped. In the field, dogs that had fleas or ticks before using Bravecto got less fleas and ticks after using Bravecto. Most ticks and fleas stopped biting for three months. 

In two more EU tests on the ground, exact treatments were put to the test. When both Bravecto and fipronil were used, fleas and ticks were gone from dogs and cats. It did a good job of getting rid of fleas. It got rid of fleas and ticks on dogs, cats, and houses for up to 12 weeks just as well as fipronil did.  

The effectiveness of Bravecto and Bravecto mouth pills was tried in a lab. How to best care for a dog with demodectic mange. Based on how many dogs were free of live mites 56 and 84 days after using Bravecto, both the pills and the spot-on were 95% and 94% effective, respectively. 

Say you gave Bravecto pills and spot-on treatment to dogs with sarcoptic mange in Europe and compared them to another approved drug for treating sarcoptic mange. When their skin was scraped 56 and 84 days after they were treated, none of the dogs had any live mites. This shows that Bravecto and the other medicine were both very effective.  

In Europe, Bravecto pills stopped the spread of B. D.’s “canis canis” reticulatus in dogs for up to 12 weeks in two field tests and one lab test. EU tests of cats with ear mites showed that Bravecto was more than 90% effective based on how many live mites were still in the ear 28 days after treatment. 

Why Do You Use Bravecto?

After you chew Bravecto, you put it in your mouth. Unlike face-applied drugs, you only need to take it once every 12 weeks. It says that for 12 weeks and 8 weeks, it will kill fleas, black-legged ticks, American dog ticks, brown dog ticks, and lone star bugs. The medicine was made by Merck, a big company in the area of science. You must live under a rock if you don’t know who Merck is.The information sheet that comes with the medicine says that it could make you throw up, have diarrhea, have seizures, feel sleepy, not want to eat, and hurt your liver. Merck watched 224 dogs for 182 days as part of a study. According to the numbers, 7.1% of the dogs threw up, 6.7% stopped eating, 4.9% had diarrhea, and 5.4% were tired. I think those numbers are pretty high if you don’t know what they mean.Merck makes a lot of excuses for the side effects and is so sure that their product works that they make a happy promise. But I’ll tell you what Bravecto could do to your pet and why you might want to think twice before giving it a mouth chew.

When You Take Bravecto, How You Feel

Before I talk about the facts, I want to make one thing clear: I’m not a doctor. I’m just telling you about how I took the drug and how it hurt my poor dog. Second, I’m not saying that this medicine will make all dogs sick. I’m just letting you know that it’s possible and that if you try a pill for fleas and ticks, you should be careful.Now that that’s over, I’ll go back to the beginning. My dog Harley didn’t immediately show any signs that the Bravecto wasn’t working. Harley had stomach trouble for a long time before he got Bravecto, but the first dose didn’t make him sick. Harley is a German Shepherd, in case you were wondering.

He didn’t throw up, have diarrhea, have seizures, or feel tired, and he kept eating as normal, which means he was already eating when he wanted to, which was never. So, when it was time to give the medicine again, I did it right away because I didn’t think anything bad would happen.

One More Thing

We rate Bravecto 4.5 out of 5 points. If your cat already has fleas or ticks, Bravecto is a great choice because it kills more than 90% of ticks and 100% of fleas within 72 hours of treatment. 

Bravecto is the only medicine that can be used to treat fleas and bugs for up to three months. Bravecto is flexible because it can be taken as a tasty chew that tastes like pork or as an easy-to-use “spot-on” treatment. Other medicines only come in one kind, like pills, creams, chewables, or collars.